Day: June 30, 2024

How Does Device Fingerprinting Software Work?How Does Device Fingerprinting Software Work?

How does device fingerprinting software work?

How does device fingerprinting software work with the collection of a broad range of data points that are unique to each individual hardware and browser configuration. This information can include screen resolution, CPU and hardware details (including make and model), operating system, web browser type and plugins, installed fonts, and much more. This collection is then standardized in order to be directly comparable across devices and browsers, making it incredibly hard for hackers to change or hide their behavior.

This information is then analyzed in order to identify patterns of behavior that are indicative of fraud. When paired with additional data points and authentication methods, device fingerprinting can be used to uncover unauthorized access attempts before they can cause damage or recoup losses.

How Does Device Fingerprinting Software Work

For example, if a website detects that multiple accounts are being accessed from the same unrecognized device in a short time frame, it can raise an alert that indicates a possible breach in progress and trigger heightened security protocols. This is because these anomalies are typically accompanied by other identifying information that can help investigators link the activity to specific individuals and the malicious intent behind it.

While this method of identifying devices can be a privacy concern for those who are concerned about the proliferation of data brokers, as long as businesses are transparent and clearly communicate what they’re using fingerprinting data for, it is perfectly legal. Furthermore, those who are concerned about their privacy can opt out of having their fingerprints collected by installing a device identifier blocker, or by refusing consent to cookies.